KMC Melbourne (CBD).

We have a number of classes throughout the week at our city centre - the perfect venue for enjoying inner peace.

Classes offer simple, practical methods to improve the quality of our life and develop inner peace through meditation and Buddhist teachings. Classes consist of two guided meditations and a teaching to help us solve our daily problems and find the lasting happiness we seek. No prior experience needed and you can join anytime. Everyone is welcome.


Class Schedule.

Monday Meditate with Dani Brunton | Mondays 7 - 8pm

Our afterwork monday meditation class is the perfect way to transform mondays into one of your weekly highlights.

Weekly Meditation Class with Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Rabten | Tuesdays 7 - 8.30pm

Throughout our weekly class series, we explore time-tested strategies, grounding ourselves in the principles of Buddhism to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset. Please click here for more information and to book.

Learn to Meditate | Three Week Course with Kelsang Luma | Starts first Wednesday of each month

Join Buddhist Nun Kelsang Luma for a three week learn to meditate course, during which you'll learn proven techniques for calming the mind, reducing stress, and finding peace, as well as the essential tools needed for setting up a daily meditation practice. This course is perfect for beginners and starts on the first Wednesday of every month.

Weekly Meditation Class with Tom Gallagher | Sundays 10 - 11am

Throughout our weekly class series, we explore time-tested strategies, grounding ourselves in the principles of Buddhism to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset.

For further information about the above classes, please visit the weekly class page here. Walk-ins welcome for all classes.