Courses and Events.

Events in bold are open for bookings. Click for more information.





Tue 3 Sep Choose Peace - Public Talk KMCM
Fri 13 - 17 Sep A Life Beyond Sorrow - Manjushri Empowerment Weekend KMCA
Wed 18 Sep

How to Stay Strong When Things go Wrong: The Art of Acceptance | Geelong Public Talk

Fri 20 Sep The Wheel of Life - Buddhist Film Night & Meal KMCA
Sat 21 Sep Bearing the Unbearable - How to Deal with Loss & Grief KMCM
Sat 28 Sep

Gratitude : How To Find Kindness Everywhere




Fri 11 - 13 Oct Silent Weekend Meditation Retreat KMCA
Sat 19 Oct Heal Your Trauma: A Buddhist Guide to Letting Go KMCM
Fri 25 Oct Meal & Meditate KMCA



Sat 2 Nov Be the Change: The Power of Positive Intention KMCM
Sat 9 Nov Walk for World Peace TBC
Wed 6 - 8 Nov Silence is Golden - Silent Midweek Retreat KMCA
Fri 15 - 18 Nov Heruka Body Mandala Guided Retreat KMCA
Wed 20 Nov - 17 Dec Supreme Ocean of Infinite Good Fortune - Close Retreat KMCA
Sat 30 Nov Stop Procrastinating, Start Meditating KMCM



Sat 15 Dec
Lamrim - An in-depth Learn to Meditate