New to Meditation?

A brief introduction for new meditators

Meditation is a word many are familiar with but with so much information out there it is possible that you don't know where to start.

So why is meditation right for you?

It is common for most people to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Meditation creates space and calm in the mind, equipping you for the demands and pressures of daily life. Over time you become mentally stronger until you are calm and peaceful all the time!

Where to Begin?

Starting a meditation practice is easy - you just need to do it. If you meditate for ten or fifteen minutes each day you will experience a calm, spacious feeling in the mind, and many of your usual problems will fall away. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with, you will naturally feel warm and well disposed towards other people, and your relationships with others will gradually improve.

SO .. what are you waiting for?

Get Started with Breathing Meditation.

All you need is a comfortable place to sit - a meditation cushion, a chair or even your bed. It doesn't matter, just make sure you are comfortable with your back straight and relaxed. This prevents your mind from becoming sluggish or sleepy. Place your hands in your lap.

Before you begin the meditation, decide on your motivation. Why are you meditating today? A positive motivation, such as wanting to benefit others by maintaining a peaceful mind, will help you stay focused.

Partially lower your eyelids and take a moment to release any physical tension in your body.

Turn your attention to your breathing. Breathe naturally, preferably through the nostrils, without attempting to control the breath. Try to become aware of the sensation of the breath as it enters and leaves the nostril. Try to concentrate on this sensation to the exclusion of everything else.

Don't worry

It's normal to feel like your mind is getting busier.

In reality you are just becoming aware of how busy your mind actually is.

Try to resist the temptation to follow any thoughts. Simply allow them to dissolve back into the space of your mind, like water bubbles dissolving back into the water from which they arose. Repeat this as many times as necessary until the mind settles on the breath.

Practising patiently in this way, gradually your distracting thoughts will subside and you will experience a sense of inner peace and relaxation. Your mind will feel lucid and spacious and you will feel refreshed.

This meditation can be quite powerful. You can see through your own experience that it is possible to experience inner peace and contentment just by controlling the mind. This feeling of contentment and wellbeing helps you cope with the busyness and difficulties of daily life.

So many benefits!

Just by doing breathing meditation for ten or fifteen minutes each day you will be able to reduce the stress and tension you normally experience in your mind.

You will experience a calm, spacious feeling and many of your usual problems will fall away. Difficult situations will become easier to deal with, you will naturally feel warm and well disposed towards others, and your relationships with others will gradually improve.


Stick with it!

Meditate, live, repeat.

Meditation is an experience, a skill, and a habit. It takes time and repetition to learn. Some days you’ll feel great, and other days you’ll wonder if you accomplished anything at all. That’s ok. By starting with just ten minutes a day, gradually you’ll build the skills to generate peace and happiness from within.

What’s more, every time you sit down to meditate, you’re creating causes for peace and happiness in the future. It’s a small investment of your time that pays huge returns.

Take Your Practice Further.

A practice in its own right, breathing meditation is also how you prepare for more advanced placement meditations on an insight or experience.

Our classes are a wonderful resource to further your meditation practice, unlocking your potential to be the best version of yourself.